Many of you may automatically assume that you will get no college aid when your kids arrive at that age, due to your income, which you assume is too high (especially if you are in Silicon Valley) and crosses all the threshold.
Surprisingly, it is not a matter of just how high your raw income is. It is a much more complex matter of how your overall financing looks, is arranged, even optimized.
For this important knowledge, we have invited Gary Sipos, MBA, AIF, to educate us (no pun intended) on the subject. Gary has helped numerous families get into college in ways that were much more beneficial and frugal than they had imagined.
I always talk about real estate investments, the way we do it at ICG, as a means for a stable financial future with two main items: retirements and your kids’ college. I like to explain how Single Family Home investments are done with a long horizon that can assist both these goals in a very powerful way.
It is only natural that if we can optimize one of our biggest potential expenses, we would like to know about it.
Gary will be speaking THIS SATURDAY, March 5th, at our ICG 1-Day Expo near SFO. There will also be experts on financial planning, special lenders and loan programs, and market teams from choice U.S. markets for us to meet, learn from, and be exposed to some great properties.