Secure a Powerful Future and Invest in Education With Single-Family Home Rentals

Written by: Adiel Gorel
An extreme amount of student loan debt is currently burdening the majority of college attendees within the United States. We’re talking about an average of 1.4 trillion dollars. Even more unsettling, this statistic doesn’t include the debt accumulated by Parent Plus Loans. Though these loans are deemed the parent’s responsibility, it is oftentimes agreed upon […]
Published on August 27, 2019
Last update: ago
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

An extreme amount of student loan debt is currently burdening the majority of college attendees within the United States. We’re talking about an average of 1.4 trillion dollars. Even more unsettling, this statistic doesn’t include the debt accumulated by Parent Plus Loans. Though these loans are deemed the parent’s responsibility, it is oftentimes agreed upon by the student to pay it back. This amount is estimated to be an extra $89 Billion.

Whether you are a student or parent worried about the burdens of educational finances, ICG is here to educate you on the valuable potential of a real estate investment.

Paying Back Student Debt?

Consider the possibilities of a positive investment. Though it might be intimidating to accumulate more debt, it could be life-changing to educate yourself on pertinent information that, if begun early enough, could initially obviate the need for student loans. ICG will guide you through the steps to build equity, pay for your kids’ or grandkids’ college, and also plan for a powerful retirement. Stay updated with recorded events and watch Adiel Gorel explain the importance of single-family home rental investments.

Want to Secure Your Child’s Future?

College may seem way down the line for your child, but it arrives sooner than expected, causing you to panic about the financials. ICG will provide you with the tools to solve this worrisome predicament. Investing in a single-family home may not seem in the cards right now, but it is an excellent way to provide funding for your child’s education. Working with real estate investments for over 30 years through historic recessions worldwide, Adiel Gorel presents easy-to-follow investment plans that go beyond securing future financial stability, by focusing on your wellbeing as a foundation for future success.

Investing in you or your child’s education should be of top priority. Join our worldwide sessions when you become a member, and gain deeper access to a variety of educational resources that simplify all your investment questions with doable answers. For a more in-depth look, attend ICG Real Estate 1-day Expo on September 7th, 2019 near the San Francisco Airport. Contact us for details and for complimentary tickets at

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ICG uses single-family home investments, bought in advantageous locations and the best U.S. markets. We enable you to enjoy the clout that comes from purchasing a multitude of houses, even if you only buy one.
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