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  • Teresa and I just celebrated the birth of our first child two weeks ago. I know this kid is going to be safe forever in part due to the lessons I have learned from you and the opportunity you had me pursue over 14 years ago.

    I hope you truly know how much you have changed my life. I talk about your teachings every day and already have young employees buying their first investments.
    – Tommy W
  • I have been following Adi Gorel since he was giving lectures in San Francisco in the early 1990s. His RE investment philosophy seemed practical and was honed by experience thus enhancing his expertise. What Adi and his select panels of mentors and Team present are sound RE investing business practices. ICG offers a proven turn key RE investing formula for the novice and the experienced investor. Rest assured ICG under Adi is honest, trustworthy and ethical.

    ICG is consistent with and compatible with Kiyosaki”s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” investing strategy to produce income generating and positive cash flowing assets.

    So I vetted ICG and all three references gave Adi thumbs up. Fifteen years ago we started our ICG investing and today I ask myself why I didn’t start sooner? To be transparent, the land lots we invested in were not optimal investments. Unless you have cash flowing mineral rights, It appears that ICG no longer deals with this. I do not advise this. Stay with positive cash flowing assets.

    ICG under Adi Gorel will thoroughly educate you and connect you to all of the necessary resources needed to become a successful RE investor. Can you believe the education is free?

    Our portfolio of investments is diversified and RE is a large portion of it. With ICG’s guidance has made our retired life quite comfortable for my wife and me, And being in our Trust, our children and grandchildren will eventually benefit. Thanks, Adi.
    Dr. Steve Ichishta
  • 我是湾区的工程师。 我听说ICG 公司和Adiel 先生是从湾区的希望之声电台,那是2017 年年底。
    之后又听了一个Adiel 先生的讲座并免费得到他的书《Remote Control Retirement Riches》. Adiel先
    生的演讲和书非常有逻辑性 ,简单易懂并且非常实用, 很符合我作为工程师的思维。 再后来参
    加ICG 季度一天集会,和他请来的外州房产经纪人和管理人员接触,并去当地实地考查。从2018
    年起, 我已从ICG买了十个全新独立屋,五个在俄克拉荷马州, 五个在路易斯安那州。现在所有
    投资屋都在出租并且有现金流。希望这些投资屋在我退休前还完 大部分代款, 以后租金能作为
    和出租市场很熟悉。而且尽量为投资人服务, 这样减少了投资人在外州投资房地产的顾虑。很感
  • It was so good to talk to you today! You are the same funny, kind, thoughtful guy that my sister and I met long ago in Palo Alto. : ) We were so amused and we went to many of your seminars and always enjoyed them! Learned a lot from you and your experts. You are very rare in the Real Estate arena. There are so many RE people out there that are only out to make the buck and don't really care about what happens to their clients. This is so true and I have unfortunately experienced it first hand.
    – Clarice A.
  • I recently got the book "Remote Control Retirement Riches" and was amazed by how powerful this tool is. I would like to sign up for the next quarterly expo if we will have an offline session this March. (I live in LA and okay to drive to SF for the weekend).
    – Winnie C.
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ICG uses single-family home investments, bought in advantageous locations and the best U.S. markets. We enable you to enjoy the clout that comes from purchasing a multitude of houses, even if you only buy one.
165 N. Redwood Dr. Suite #150 San Rafael, CA, 94903
Toll Free: (800) 324-3983 
Phone: (415) 927-7504 
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