The Only Resource You’ll Need to Learn About Real Estate Investing

Written by: Adiel Gorel
Looking For An Investment Road Map You Can Trust? Look No Further How long should you research before you decide to start implementing your plan to invest in real estate? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? And what resources do you need and which bootcamps do you need to attend before you finally take the […]
Published on April 13, 2022
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Est. Reading: 3 minutes

Looking For An Investment Road Map You Can Trust? Look No Further

How long should you research before you decide to start implementing your plan to invest in real estate? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? And what resources do you need and which bootcamps do you need to attend before you finally take the plunge? It may surprise readers to know that a lot of people think all of this is necessary, but it really is not! Real estate investing is actually a lot simpler and much less intimidating that you may think it is. You will find that things readily fall into place when you use what they call The Adiel Method.

Read my book!

When people ask me for a resource that will help to guide them on their quest to create future wealth for themselves and their family, I recommend a book. Full disclosure, that book is written by me, but it is an excellent resource for those looking to learn how to start investing in real estate – even if I do say so myself! Read the book Remote Control Retirement Riches: How to Change Your Future with Rental Homes,” which you can get off of Amazon right now for a few dollars. This is a simple road map that will help you achieve your financial goals. Whether it is your kids’ education, a fancy car, elder-care for your loved ones, or even just a truck load of fine chocolate if you so wish!
The point I'm making here is that you don’t really need a lot of resources to start investing. Do your due-diligence by all means – read up about the markets, read up about the documentation required, find out about the local regulations etc. But the formula for real estate investing is fairly simple and you don’t need to go to bootcamp for it – just attending one of our quarterly expos could resolve your questions and help you get started.

Anyone can do it.

We have had young people and middle aged people and senior folk start on their investing journey. We’ve had people who want to buy one home and we've had people who want to buy 10, 20 or 100 homes. My formula is simple: choose to buy single family homes in large metropolitan areas of the Sun Belt states. Avail the 30-year fixed-rate loan and make the minimum down payment. Then hand over its management to a property manager so that you start to earn yourself a tidy amount in rent; which will also help you in repaying your loan. And now prepare to do absolutely nothing – because that is how you prepare for your retirement riches: by doing nothing!
Still want some guidance on this whole business of real estate investing? Well, we at ICG Real Estate are happy to help. All the resources you need to learn more about real estate investing, we make available to you for free.  Call us or meet us in person. Remember, real estate investing is simpler and more rewarding than you think!
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ICG uses single-family home investments, bought in advantageous locations and the best U.S. markets. We enable you to enjoy the clout that comes from purchasing a multitude of houses, even if you only buy one.
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